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Ben Venom 'Dysfunctional' | RVCA San Francisco

Another memorable evening went down last Friday at the recently re-opened RVCA flagship store in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. ANP artist Ben Venom curated a unique group exhibition entitled ‘Dysfunctional’ and “featuring seven artists who are redefining how we view contemporary craft.” The curation featured clothing, embroidery, bathroom accessories and printmaking-based works, with each artist bringing new interpretations of established techniques and styles.

Artists: Becca Barolli | Bob GormanDennis McNettDirty Needle EmbroideryJason RedwoodMary Joy ScottMeghan McAleavy

Window Installation: Tul JutargareChiharu Jutargare | Lucien Shapiro | Ben Venom

This show comes shortly before the official launch of Ben's collection in collaboration with RVCA

Photos by Brandon Jensen