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RVCA is headed to New York City from August 21–27, bringing a number of events centered around the “NOW & THEN: A DECADE OF BEAUTIFUL LOSERS” exhibition lead by RVCA Advocate & long time friend Aaron Rose. RVCA will also host events at KCDC, Pilgrim, The Dogpound Gym, Overthrow Boxing and a number of other venues, to celebrate the various pillars of the brand. We will also have a special collection launch with Smith Street Tattoo Parlor and a Women’s brunch headlined by musician and RVCA advocate Lily Meola. In the past, RVCA has taken the brand roadshow to places like Australia, Puerto Rico and annually, to Hawaii as part of the RVCALOHA campaign. Please follow the travels of the RVCA advocates and behind the scene footage of the entire week on the RVCA Instagram channel and at RVCA.COM. #RVCANYC.